Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Moving to SC!

In less than 30 days I will no longer be living in Kentucky. I have lived in Lexington, KY for 23 years of my life, and that is equal to the entirety of my adventure on this planet thus far. God has laid it on my heart to pack up and move to Fort Mill, SC to attend MorningStar University. There I will receive practical ministry training, and be one step closer to my destiny in Christ.

God knows that I will miss my friends, and family in Lexington. I will miss them dearly, but they are never far from my thoughts, and prayers. I am at a loss for words, because I have been truly blessed by God to have been able to share life with them all.

I love Lexington, and I am looking forward; God has something big in the works for this city I love!
I don't plan on missing it.

above is the link to the video of the school.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm a man, but don't box me in!

If being a man means fulfilling all "Man" stereo types, I want nothing to do with it. I don't really watch sports, I watch some, but rarely. I don't go all goo goo over action flicks and Arnold Swartzenwhatever. Don't get me wrong I like a good action flick, but it must have some kind of substance to hold me. I do think explosions are cool, but a love story is just as cool. In fact I believe a love story is an explosion in and of itself, if we look through different goggles we might recognize it.

I love tons of guy things, or at least the guy things that fit inside of the "guy things" stereo type, but I would much rather be remembered as a guy who thinks, than a "guy who burps and farts"!
I believe a real man is a man who longs to understand, at least at some deep level, things like God, one woman, warfare, peace, emotions, and love, etc... I am not like every other man, I am similar but, very, very different. I think it would be boring if we were all sport watchin, beer chuggin, golf playin, selfserving robots. If by my having been born a man means I am one of these robots, consider me a renegade robot with a heavenly determination for transformation!